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To meet the legal definition of stalking, behavior must:

  • Be repeated, unwanted contact; 

  • Make a credible threat to you or to an immediate family member;

  • Cause a reasonable person under those circumstances to have fear of bodily injury or kidnapping.

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National Stalking
Awareness Month is in January


Under the laws of all fifty states, the U.S. Territories, the District of Columbia, and federal government, stalking is a crime;

Whereas, 6-7.5 million people are stalked in a one-year period in the United States(*those that report it) The majority of victims are stalked by someone they know;

Whereas, 3 in 4 women killed by an intimate partner have been stalked by that intimate partner;

Whereas, many stalking victims lose time from work and experience serious psychological distress and lost productivity at a much higher rate than the general population. 


"#WearBlueDay raises public awareness. This could lead to more eyes and ears on the street in areas law enforcement wouldn't normally have immediate access to."

Malik B., Human Trafficking Officer

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